
10/5/12 Learn about our new Life & Home Version of docuMOP

5/4/12 Today's Facility Manager Magazine Column expresses need for docuMOP. Great to see a national magazine highlighting the need docuMOP solves!

3/12/12 - Real World examples of situations where having a docuMOP would have greatly improved response to situations.

3/12/12 - docuMOP Consult and Field Services added

4/3/11 - Added Calendar access to permit scheduling routine and specific facility tasks.

How docuMOP came about, a word from our Founder

Why YOU need docuMOP

  1. Being prepared for that dreaded call while on vacation... "We've got a problem!"
  2. Training New Employees
  3. When President Carter's Secret Service agents explained they could get him aboard Air Force One from any location in 5 minutes he said, "Ok, Go". It took a lot longer than 5 minutes. You don't want that same delay in action and result when you are called upon to "Go". You and your organization need to be prepared when minutes count and docuMOP is that preparation.
  4. "I sure don't want to say, "I don't know" to the boss and their boss if something goes wrong". docuMOP lets you know by organized planning and documentation in advance.
  5. In times when things are going less than well you don't want to have to be figuring out what to do for a response. You want a plan that can be followed right away. Planning while reacting often leads to negative unforseen consequences. With docuMOP you're planning and action steps are already developed. You just put your docuMOP plans into practice at these urgent moments.
  6. Ahhh....The Peace of Mind that comes when you are ready for anything.

Modules of docuMOP

docuMOP is the convergence of documentation and MOPs. For some the first question is what is a MOP? Our mop differs from the first item that comes to mind when many think of a mop. Our MOP is a Method of Procedure. A MOP can cover what some may call standard operating procedure or emergency operation procedure. In essence it is the proper, planned method of doing something. The concept (often used in technical facilities and originating in phone company systems) of a MOP documents the aspects and individual tasks necessary in accomplishing a desired task or result. For critical operations, a MOP is a pre planned, documented step by step procedure designed to eliminate risk of doing something in a manner that interrupts services or simply doesn’t end up with the desired result. The benefit of having a pre-prepared MOP is that the thinking part of a task is done without the pressure of the moment. Having one allows actions to be followed in an emergency or process as opposed to having to think of and develop each step as one proceeds. Following a MOP may have prevented disasters such as oil spills, facility explosions, accidental power outages or similar situations which typically occur quickly, advance even faster and demand quick reactions.

Each docuMOP client is provided a separate private (user name and password protected) web site which contains an organized structure of their docuMOP information. docuMOP is composed of modules and packages to allow tailoring as desired by each client. All Packages provide certain key life safety information such as location and contact points for medical services, protective services, CPR instructions, CPR trained personnel listing and other specific life safety information such as AED locations and (where available) fire exit listing and routing. Access to a scheduling calendar is also provided with all packages to provide for scheduling of routine and specific tasks.

Annually, or more frequently if desired, docuMOP includes an update service to ensure data listed remains current.  docuMOP has been designed to meet multiple levels of need ensuring Modules and Packages are available to meet any clients needs from a simple residential docuMOP to a global multi facility corporate docuMOP.

The standard modules of docuMOP are: